DNA Finger printing with restriction enzyme digestion. Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this lab by comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprint patterns are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determine who may have done it! Available in various sizes to fit your class numbers.
DNA Finger printing with restriction enzyme digestion. Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this lab by comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprint patterns are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determine who may have done it! Available in various sizes to fit your class numbers.
DNA Finger printing with restriction enzyme digestion. Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this lab by comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprint patterns are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determine who may have done it! Available in various sizes to fit your class numbers.