
Genetic Engineering

Teach genetic technologies by modifying microorganisms in your own classroom.

Genetic Engineering Experiment Kits

STEM Reactor offers Experiment Packages for studying Biotechnology using, Bacterial Transformation is a key technique used to insert genes into organisms. 

Students learn about the ability of genome modification to produce organisms with varying characteristics. They will insert new genes into E. Coli DNA and observe the differences between modified and unmodified organisms.

Transformation of E. coli with pGAL™ (Blue Colony) Transformation of E. coli with pGAL™ (Blue Colony)
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Transformation of E. coli with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Transformation of E. coli with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
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Generic Engineering News: CRISPR Babies

The development of CRISPR technology has the potential to eradicate genetic disorders for future generations. But the line between beneficial modifications and eugenics is indeed fine. With the world’s first CRISPR babies over 2 years of age we explore the science behind the ethics of human genetic modification and when the line was crossed.

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